Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) and solid-recovered fuels (SRF) are valuable energy sources created from waste materials. An essential fuel source for industries and manufacturing, innovative equipment can separate RDF and SRF instead of sending materials to landfill. RDF is usually produced from plastics that have been separated from a variety of waste streams. Overhead suspension magnet units can handle coarse materials and magnetic drums are used for finer materials. Eddy current separators extract non-ferrous metals. For unsorted metal waste and high-grade steels, inductance detection is recommended. Plastics like PVC cannot be used for thermal purposes and require targeted separation processes.
RDF and SRF products can be created to meet different requirements and buyers, along with varying levels of quality. Near-infrared (NIR) with hyperspectral imaging can detect plastics, wood and paper. Some types of equipment can also detect and sort black parts.
Cutting-edge analysers give an overview of products with parameters such as material composition, moisture content, chlorine content, calorific value, and belt cover. By accurately recording and analysing these elements, quality issues and defects can be quickly identified. This prevents product value degradation, ensuring sorting purity and energy efficiency.
Do you want to optimise the accuracy and efficiency of your recycling or waste processes? Turn valuable materials into a high level of purity for resale and maximise your outturns. We can design and deliver solutions for your plant or facility, including process concept development. Our expertise covers magnetic separations, sensors, analysers and system technologies for the primary and secondary raw materials sector. We supply parts and services, and we will help you with the installation and optimisation of your equipment.
The MAGSEP team includes dedicated application specialists and engineers who understand your processing challenges from a local perspective. Our aim is to help you get the most from your recycling equipment with cost-effective and customisable solutions.
We share updates on projects, equipment, and key developments that are influencing the metal and wood recycling sector.